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Journal Publications

  1. Sarhosis V., Giarlelis C., Karakostas C., Smyrou E., Bal I., Valkaniotis S., Ganas A. (2022). Observations from the March 2021 Thessaly Earthquakes: an earthquake engineering perspective for masonry structures. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,

  2. Tranter, M., Steding, S., Otto, C., Pyrgaki, K., Hedayatzadeh, M., Sarhosis, V., Koukouzas, N., Louloudis, G., Roumpos, C., and Kempka, T.: Environmental hazard quantification toolkit based on modular numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-10115,, 2022.

  3. Hedayatzadeh, M., Sarhosis, V., Gorka, T., Hámor-Vidó, M., and Kalmár, I.: Ground subsidence and fault reactivation during in-situ coal conversion assessed by numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11736,, 2022.

  4. Loverdos D., Sarhosis V. (2022). Automatic image-based brick segmentation and crack detection of masonry walls using machine learning, Automation in Construction, 140, 104389, ISSN 0926-5805,

  5. Drougkas A., Sarhosis V., Thermou G. (2022). Micromechanical homogenisation of steel bars in reinforced concrete for damage analysis. Materials Today Communications. 31, 103235.

  6. Drougkas A., Sarhosis V., D’Alessandro A., Ubertini F. (2022). Homogenisation of Masonry Structures subjected to seismic loads through matrix/inclusion micromechanics. Structures. 38(1), 375-384.

  7. Lemos J.V., Sarhosis V. (2022). Discrete element bonded block models for detailed analysis of masonry. Infrastructure. 7(3), 31;

  8. Loan B.T., Cuong L.M., Dung N.T., Huy N.X., Trung B.T., Sarhosis V. (2021). Mechanical behaviour of novel “Earth Concrete” walls. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation.

  9. Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L, Sarhosis V. (2021). Development and calibration of a 3D micromodel for evaluation of masonry infilled frame structural vulnerability to earthquakes. Geosciences, 11, 468,  

  10. Loan B.T., Cuong L.M., Dung N.T., Huy N.X., Trung B.T., Sarhosis V. (2021). Mechanical behaviour of novel “Earth Concrete” walls. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation. 

  11. Pradhan B., Sarhosis V., Ferrotto M.F., Penava D., Cavaleri L. (2021). A Prediction Model for the Out-Of-Plane Capacity of Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls: Macro-Element Modelling and Parametric Analysis. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001998

  12. Drougkas A., Esposite R., Messali F., Sarhosis V. (2021). Analytical models to determine in-plane damage initiation and force capacity of masonry walls with openings. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, https://doi.10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001995

  13. Pradhan B., Zizzo M., Sarhosis V., Cavaleri L., (2021). Out-of-plane behaviour of unreinforced masonry infill walls: Review of the experimental studies and analysis of the influencing parameters. Structures, 33, 4387-4406.  

  14. Drougkas A., Sarhosis V. (2021). Micro-mechanical homogenisation of three-leaf masonry walls under compression. Engineering Structures. 245, 112890.

  15. Stockdale G., Milani G., Sarhosis V. (2021). Dynamic modelling structure of hinge-controlled masonry arches and 2D accelerations. International Journal Masonry Research and Innovation, 6(3), 155-284. ISSN 2056-9459

  16. Ganas A., Valkaniotis S., Briole P., Serpetsidaki A., Kapetanidis V., Karasante I., Kassaras I., Papathanassiou G., Karamitros I., Tsironi V., Elias P., Sarhosis V., Karakonstantis A., Konstantakopoulou E., Papadimitriou P., and Sokos E. (2021). Domino-style earthquakes along low-angle normal faults in Northern Thessaly (Greece): kinematic evidence from field observations, seismology, SAR interferometry and GNSS. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 58 (1), 27102

  17. Bal IE., Smyrou E., Dais D., Sarhosis V. (2021). Novel invisible markers for monitoring cracks on masonry structures. Construction and Building Materials. 300, 124013.

  18. Sarhosis V., Dais D., Smyrou E., Bal IE., (2021). Quantification of damage evolution in masonry walls subjected to induced seismicity. Engineering Structures. 243, 112529.

  19. Baraldi D., Milani G., Sarhosis V. (2021). A rigid beam-model for studying the dynamic behaviour of cantilever masonry walls. Structures. 33, 2950-2963.

  20. Kassotakis N., Sarhosis V. (2021). Employing non-contact sensing techniques for improving efficiency and automation in numerical modelling of existing masonry structures: A critical literature review. Structures. 32, 1777-1797.

  21. Dais D., Bal IE., Smyrou E., Sarhosis V. (2021). Automatic crack classification and segmentation on masonry surfaces using convolutional neural networks and transfer learning. Automation in Construction.  125, 103606.

  22. Anić F., Penava D., Guljaš I., Sarhosis V., Abrahamczyk L. (2021). Out-of-plane cyclic response of masonry infilled RC frames: An experimental study. Engineering Structures, 238, 112258.

  23. Markušić S., Stanko D., Penava D., Ivančić I., Oršulić O.B., Korbar T., Sarhosis V. (2021). Destructive M6. 2 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia) in 2020—Preliminary Multidisciplinary Research. Remote Sensing, 13(6), 1095.

  24. Dais D., Sarhosis V., Smyrou E., Bal IE. (2021). Seismic intervention options for multi-tiered Nepalese Pagodas: The case study of Jaisedewal Temple. Engineeirng Failure Analysis. 123, 105262.

  25. Loverdos D., Sarhosis V., Adamopoulos E. Drougkas A. (2021). An innovative image processing-based framework for the numerical modelling of cracked masonry structures. Automation in Construction. 125, 103633.

  26. Kassotakis N., Sarhosis V., Peppa M.V., Mills J. (2021). Quantifying the effect of geometric uncertainty on the structural behaviour of arches developed from direct measurement and Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. Engineering Structures. 230, 111710,

  27. Ferrante A., Loverdos D., Clementi F., Milani G., Formisano A., Lenci S., Sarhosis V. (2021). Discontinuous approaches for nonlinear dynamic analyses of an ancient masonry tower. Engineering Structures. 230, 111626,

  28. Forgács T., Sarhosis V., Adany S., (2021). Shakedown and dynamic analysis of railway masonry arch bridges. Engineering Structures. 111474, 

  29. Kassotakis N., Sarhosis V., Riveiro B., Conde B., D'Altri AM., Mills J., Milani G., de Miranda S., Castellazzi G. (2020). Three-dimensional discrete element modelling of rubble masonry structures from dense point clouds. Automation in Construction, 119, 103365, ISSN 0926-5805,

  30. Stockdale GL., Sarhosis V., Milani G. (2020). Seismic capacity and multi-mechanism analysis for dry-stack masonry arches subjected to hinge control. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 673–724,

  31. Barattucci, S., Sarhosis V., Bruno W.A., D’Alti A.M., de Miranda S., Castellazzi G. (2020). An experimental and numerical study on masonry triplets subjected to monotonic and cyclic shear loadings. Construction and Building Materials, 254, 10, 119313.

  32. Kumar A., Hughes P.N., Sarhosis V., Toll D., Wilkinson S., Coningham R., Acharya K.P., Weise K., Joshi A., Davis C., Kunwar R.B. and Maskey P.N. (2020). Experimental, numerical and field study investigating a heritage structure collapse after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake. Natural Hazards, 101, 231–253.

  33. Sarhosis V, Forgács T, Lemos JV (2020). Stochastic strength prediction of masonry structures: a methodological approach or a way forward?. RILEM Technical Letters, 40, pp. 122-129. doi: 10.21809/rilemtechlett.2019.100

  34. Bal I.E., Dais D., Smyrou E., Sarhosis V. (2020). Monitoring of a Historic Masonry Structure in case of induced seismicity. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 1-18.

  35. Anic F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk L., Sarhosis V. (2019). A review of experimental and analytical studies on the out of plane behaviour of masonry infilled frames. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 18, 2191–2246.

  36. Tuong B.P.D., Huynh P.D., Bui T.T., Sarhosis V. (2019). Numerical analysis of the dynamic response of multi-story structures equipped with tuned liquid dampers considering fluid-structure interactions. The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal.13, 289-300, DOI: 10.2174/1874836801913010289

  37. Davis Christopher, Coningham Robin, Acharya Kosh Prasad, Kunwar Ram Bahadur, Forlin Paolo, Weise Kai, Maskey Prem Nath, Joshi Anie, Simpson Ian, Toll David, Wilkinson Sean, Hughes Paul, Sarhosis Vasilis, Kumar Ashutosh and Schmidt Armin (2019). Identifying archaeological evidence of past earthquakes in a contemporary disaster scenario: Case-studies of damage, resilience and risk reduction from the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and past seismic events within the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Property (Nepal). Journal of Seismology. 24:729–751.

  38. Sarhosis V, Forgács T, Lemos JV (2019). A discrete approach for modelling backfill material in masonry arch bridges. Computers and Structures, 224, 106-118.

  39. Pejatovic M., Sarhosis V, Milani G (2019). Multi-tiered Nepalese temples: Advanced numerical investigations for assessing performance at failure under horizontal loads. Engineering Failure Analysis. 106, 104172.

  40. Tavafi E., Mohebkhah A., Sarhosis V. (2019). Seismic behavior of the cube of Zoroaster tower using the discrete element method. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 55-72.

  41. Detheridge A, Hosking L.J., Thomas H.R., Sarhosis V., Gwynn-Jones D, Scullion J. (2019). Deep seam and minesoil carbon sequestration potential of the South Wales Coalfield, UK. Journal of Environmental Management, 248, 109325.

  42. D’Altri A.M., Sarhosis V., Milani G., Rots J., Cattari S., Lagomarsino S., Sacco E., Tralli A., Castellazzi G, de Miranda S.  (2019). Modelling strategies for the computational analysis of unreinforced masonry structures: Review and classification, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 27, 1153–1185.

  43. D’Altri A.M, de Miranda S., Castellazzi G., Sarhosis V. Theodossopoulos D. (2019). Historic Barrel Vaults Undergoing Differential Settlements. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 14:8, 1196-1209

  44. Coningham RAE., Sarhosis V., Hughes P., Toll DG., Wilson S. (2019). Reducing disaster risk to life and livelihoods by evaluating the seismic safety of Kathamndu’s historic urban infrastructure: enabling an interdisciplinary pilot. Journal of the British Academy. 7 (S2). 45-82

  45. Sarhosis V., Baraldi D., Lemos JV., Milani G. (2019). Dynamic behaviour of ancient freestanding multi-drum and monolithic columns subjected to horizontal and vertical excitations. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 120, 39-57.

  46. Sarhosis V., Dais D., Smyrou E, Bal IE. (2019). Evaluation of modelling strategies for estimating cumulative damage on Groningen masonry buildings due to recursive induced earthquakes. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17, 4689–4710.

  47. Bui T.T., Limam A., Sarhosis V. (2019). Discrete element modelling of masonry wall panels subjected to in-plane and out-of-plane loading. European Journal of Civil Engineering, 136. 277-294. ISSN 0141-0296

  48. Stockdale G., Milani G., Sarhosis V. (2019). Increase in seismic resistance for a full-scale dry stack masonry arch subjected to hinge control. Key Engineering Materials, 817, 221-228.

  49. Dhonju HK, Xiao W, Sarhosis V, Mills JP (2018). Share Our Cultural Heritage (SOCH): Worldwide 3D Heritage Reconstruction and Visualization via Web and Mobile GIS. International Journal of Geo-information, 7 (9), 360-376.

  50. Wang C, Sarhosis V, Nikitas N (2018). Strengthening/Retrofitting Techniques on Unreinforced Masonry Structure/Element Subjected to Seismic Loads: A Literature Review. The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal. 12 (1), 251-268. DOI: 10.2174/1874836801812010251 

  51. Sarhosis V., Lemos J.V. (2018). Detailed micro-modelling of masonry using the discrete element method. Computers and Structures, 206, 66-81.

  52. D’Altri A.M, de Miranda S., Castellazzi G., Sarhosis V. (2018). A 3D Detailed Micro-Model for the In-Plane and Out-Of-Plane Numerical Analysis of Masonry Structures. Computers and Structures, 206, 18-30.

  53. Forgács T., Sarhosis V., Bagi K., (2018). Influence of construction method on the load bearing capacity of skew masonry arches. Engineering Structures, 168, 612-627. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.05.005  

  54. D’Altri A.M, Milani G., de Miranda S., Castellazzi G., Sarhosis V. (2018). Stability Analysis of Leaning Historic Masonry Structures. Automation in Construction. 92(1), 199-213.

  55. Penava D, Sarhosis V, Kožarc I., Guljašd I. (2018). Contribution of RC columns and masonry wall to the shear resistance of masonry infilled RC frames containing different in size window and door openings. Engineering Structures, 172(1), 105-130.

  56. Anic F., Penava D., Varevac D., Sarhosis V. (2018). Determination of Governing Clay Block Masonry Characteristics for Simulation of Infilled RC Frame Out-of-Plane Behaviour, Technical Gazette, ISSN 1330-3651(Print), ISSN 1848-6339.

  57. Sarhosis V., Milani G., Formisano A. (2017). Evaluation of different approaches for the estimation of the seismic vulnerability of masonry towers. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 16(1), 1511–1545

  58. Cavaleri L., Trapani F.D., Asteris P.G., Sarhosis V., (2017). Influence of column shear failure on pushover-based assessment of masonry infilled reinforced concrete framed structures: A case study. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 100, 98-112.

  59. Forgács T., Sarhosis V., Bagi K., (2017). Minimum thickness of semi-circular skewed masonry arches. Engineering Structures, 140, 317–336.

  60. Pulatsu B., Sarhosis V., Bretas E. Lourenco P. Nikitas N. (2017). Nonlinear static behaviour of multi-drum ancient columns. Structures and Buildings, 170(SB6) 406-418.

  61. Bui T.T., Limam A., Sarhosis V., Hjiaj M. (2017). Discrete element modelling of the in-plane and out-of-plane behaviour of masonry walls constructed with dry joints. Engineering Structures. 136, 277-294.

  62. Prizemana OEC., Sarhosis V., D’Altri A.M, Whitmana C.J., Muratore G. Modelling from the past: Revisiting reports of the south west tower of Caerphilly castle 1539 – 2017. Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation, 1-14.

  63. Sarhosis V., Asteris P. G., Mohebkhah A., Xiao J. and Wang T. (2016). Three dimensional modelling of ancient colonnade structural systems subjected to harmonic and seismic loading. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. Techno-Press. 60(4), 633-653,

  64. Sarhosis V., Hosking L.J., Thomas H.R. (2016). A preliminary evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of deep lying coal seams in the South Wales Coalfield. Environmental Geotechnics – ICE Publishing, 5(4), 234-246. DOI: 10.1680/jenge.16.00007

  65. Sarhosis V., Jaya A.A., Thomas H.R. (2016). Techno-economic modelling of coal bed methane in the South Wales Coalfield. Energy, 107, 580-594. doi:10.1016/

  66. Sarhosis V. (2016). Editorial: Advances in Masonry Materials and Structures: Experimental & Numerical Modelling Aspects. Open Construction and Building Technology Journal. 10(2), 189-191. DOI: 10.2174/1874836801610010189 

  67. Sarhosis V., Lavis S., Mostade M., Thomas H.R. (2016). Moving towards commercialisation of Underground Coal Gasification in the EU. Environmental Geotechnics, ICE Publishing. 4(2), 113-122.

  68. Wang C., Nikitas N., Forth J., Sarhosis V. (2016). Retrofitting of masonry walls by using a mortar joint technique: Experiments and numerical validation. Engineering Structures, 117, 58-70. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.03.001

  69. Sarhosis V., Asteris P., Wang T., Hu W., Han Y. (2016). On the stability of ancient colonnades under static and dynamic conditions, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 14(1), 1131–1152. doi: 10.1007/s10518-016-9881-z.

  70. Sarhosis V., De Santis S., De Felice G. (2016). A review of experimental investigations and assessment methods for masonry arch bridges. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12(11), 1439-1464.

  71. Sarhosis V. (2016). An optimization procedure for material parameter identification in masonry constitutive models. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, 1(1), 48-58. DOI: 10.1504/IJMRI.2016.074735

  72. Asteris P. G., Repapis C., Cavaleri L., Sarhosis V., Athanasopoulou A. (2015). On the Fundamental Period of Infilled RC Buildings, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 54(6), 1175-1200. DOI: 10.12989/sem.2015.54.6.1175

  73. Cavaleri L., Di Trapani F., Asteris P., Sarhosis V., (2015). Infilled frames and equivalent struts: An approach considering the effects of openings and vertical loads. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12(5), 551-566.

  74. Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2015). Influence of the brick-mortar interface on the mechanical response of low bond strength masonry lintels, Engineering Structures, 88, 1-11.

  75. Sarhosis V., Sheng Y. (2014). Identification of material parameters for low bond strength masonry, Engineering Structures, 60, 100-110.

  76. Giamundo V., Sarhosis V., Lignola G.P., Sheng Y., Manfredi G. (2014). Evaluation of different computational modelling strategies for modelling low strength masonry, Engineering Structures, 73, 160-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.05.007

  77. Sarhosis V., Oliveira D.V., Lemos J.V., Lourenco P. (2014). The effect of the angle of skew on the mechanical behaviour of arches, Mechanics Research Communications, 61, 53-49.

  78. Yang D., Sarhosis V., Sheng Y. (2014). Thermo-mechanical modelling around the UCG reactor. Journal of Energy Institute, 87(4), 321-327.

  79. Sarhosis V., Tsavdaridis K., Giannopoulos G. (2014). Discrete Element Modelling of masonry in-filled steel frames with multiple window openings subjected to lateral load variations, Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 8(1), 93-103. DOI: 10.2174/1874836801408010093

  80. Sheng Y., Sarhosis V., Yang D., Green M., Nakaten N., Kempka T., Hristov N., Bukolska D., Merachev D., Koukouzas N., Katsimpardi I., Dinis da Gama C., Veríssimo A. (2014). Interdisciplinary Studies on the Technical and Economic Feasibility of Deep Underground Coal Gasification with CO2 storage in Bulgaria. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Springer, 21, 595–627.

  81. Sarhosis V., Yang D., Sheng Y., Kempka T. (2013). Coupled Hydro-thermal Analysis of Underground Coal Gasification Reactor Cool Down for Subsequent CO2 Storage, Energy Procedia, 40, 428-436.

  82. Sarhosis V., Sheng Y., Garrity S.W. (2010). Computational modelling of clay brickwork walls containing openings. International Masonry Society (IMS), 11(3), 1743-1752.


© Vasilis Sarhosis 2021

School of Civil Engineering

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